Type-A Hi-Ace Jazz (4WD)

Type-A Hi-ace Jazz
Type-B WhonType-A Hi-ace JazzType-A Hi-ace JazzType-A Hi-ace JazzType-B Whon

Vehicle Specifications:

Gasoline 4WD
Car measurement L 4.8m W 1.9m H 2.1m
Bed measurements. 0.6m W1.8m L
Other bed 1.1 - 1.2 m W1.8L
For 2-3 persons
Fully-equipped Hi-ace camper for 2passengers.
FF-heating, Gas cooking stove, Sink, Fridge, Sub-battery, AC, USB-outlet

Note: There is a milage limit for a day. The limit per day is 300km. If you exceed more than 300km per day, there is a surcharge of 88yen per 1KM.

Pricing Table:

Off-season (11/1 ~ 12/25 , 1/4 ~ 2/28)
Off-season Weekday Rates
Off--season Weekend Rates
On-season (3/1 ~ 4/28 , 5/8 ~ 7/15 , 9/1 ~ 10/31)
On-season Weekday Rates
On-season Weekend Rates
Top Seasons (4/29 ~ 5/8 , 7/16 ~ 8/31 , 12/26 ~ 1/3)
Top season Daily Rate